Project description for Summer 2018 GTL.
General Project Information
You will design and implement a database application using the MySQL relational database system available via CoC (College of Computing). The Project must be done in groups of 3 - 5 students. Groups of more than 5 or less than 3 will not be allowed. (At Georgia Tech Lorraine your group must have at least 4 and no more than 6 members.)
The project will consist of 3 phases (deliverables) as well as a final demonstration to the TA or professor.
At the end of the project, each team member should submit a peer evaluation. See peer evaluation instructions for details.
Phase 1
Given a problem specification from (a) fictional user(s), create an EER model of the users’ data, a list of semantic constraints that cannot be modeled in EER, and an information flow diagram of a database application suited to the user’s problem.
Submit your Phase 1 deliverables in a single PDF file named teamN-phase1.pdf
, where N is your team number. For example, if you’re Team 3 you’d submit a file named team3-phase1.pdf
Phase 2
Map your (corrected) EER model and semantic constraints from Phase 1 to a relational model and write an SQL script with DDL (create table
) statements that will create the (unpopulated) database in MySQL.
Submit your Phase 2 deliverable as a single SQL file named teamN-schema.sql
, where N is your team number. For example, if you’re Team 3 you’d submit a file named team3-schema.sql
Phase 3
Given the problem specification and your (corrected) relational database schema from Phase 2, write an SQL script with DML (insert
) statements to populate the database with data and another SQL script with a set of queries that answer questions provided in the project description.
Submit your Phase 3 deliverable as two SQL files: (remember to substitute your team number for N) teamN-data.sql
with SQL insert
statements to populate the database you created in Phase 2, and teamN-queries.sql
with SQL queries to answer the questions provided in the project description for your semester.
Heavyweight option: in addition to the items above, create an application that provides an interface to the database for a database user as specified in the project desctiption.