Grades Module


In this exercise you will practice

Problem Description

You need to process grades given as a list of lists, list[list[str]], where the first list is a header, and subsequent lists have a name followed by grades. For example:

super_grades = [
    # First line is descriptive header. Subsequent lines hold data
    ['Student', 'Exam 1', 'Exam 2', 'Exam 3'],
    ['Thorny', '100', '90', '80'],
    ['Mac', '88', '99', '111'],
    ['Farva', '45', '56', '67'],
    ['Rabbit', '59', '61', '67'],
    ['Ursula', '73', '79', '83'],
    ['Foster', '89', '97', '101']

Write a module named grades with the following functions:

Sample Solution

Don’t peek until you’ve tried it yourself first!