from pprint import pprint import csv import gzip import pandas as pd if __name__=="__main__": # From eu = ["BE", "BG", "CZ", "DK", "DE", "EE", "IE", "EL", "ES", "FR", "HR", "IT", "CY", "LV", "LT", "LU", "HU", "MT", "NL", "AT", "PL", "PT", "RO", "SI", "SK", "FI", "SE", "UK"] data = {country: {} for country in eu} le = csv.reader("demo_mlexpec.tsv.gz", "rt"), delimiter="\t") for row in le: unit, sex, age, geo = row[0].split(",") if sex == "T" and age == "Y1" and geo in eu: data[geo]["le"] = \ "".join([c for c in row[3] if c.isdigit() or c == "."]) # hle = csv.reader("hlth_hlye.tsv.gz", "rt"), delimiter="\t") # for row in hle: # code, geo = row[0].split(",") # #age = code.split("_")[1].strip() # if code == "F_0_DFLE" and geo in eu: # data[geo]["hle_f"] = \ # "".join([c for c in row[3] if c.isdigit() or c == "."]) # if code == "M_0_DFLE" and geo in eu: # data[geo]["hle_m"] = \ # "".join([c for c in row[3] if c.isdigit() or c == "."]) bme = csv.reader("hlth_ehis_bm1e.tsv.gz", "rt"), delimiter="\t") bme_header = next(bme) for row in bme: unit,bmi,isced11,sex,age,time = row[0].split(",") if bmi.strip() == "BMI_GE30" and time.strip() == "2014"\ and sex.strip() == "T" and age.strip() == "TOTAL": #print(bmi, time) for i, field in enumerate(row): geo = bme_header[i].strip() if geo in eu: data[geo]["obese"] = \ "".join([c for c in field if c.isdigit() or c == "."]) sk = csv.reader("hlth_ehis_sk1e.tsv.gz", "rt"), delimiter="\t") sk_header = next(sk) for row in sk: unit,smoking,isced11,sex,age,time = row[0].split(",") if smoking.strip() == "SM_CUR" and time.strip() == "2014"\ and sex.strip() == "T" and age.strip() == "Y_GE18": #print(bmi, time) for i, field in enumerate(row): geo = sk_header[i].strip() if geo in eu: data[geo]["sk"] = \ "".join([c for c in field if c.isdigit() or c == "."]) fv = csv.reader("hlth_ehis_fv3e.tsv.gz", "rt"), delimiter="\t") fv_header = next(fv) for row in fv: unit,n_portion,isced11,sex,age,time = row[0].split(",") if n_portion.strip() == "GE5" and time.strip() == "2014"\ and sex.strip() == "T" and age.strip() == "TOTAL": #print(bmi, time) for i, field in enumerate(row): geo = fv_header[i].strip() if geo in eu: data[geo]["fv"] = \ "".join([c for c in field if c.isdigit() or c == "."]) ex = csv.reader("hlth_ehis_pe2e.tsv.gz", "rt"), delimiter="\t") ex_header = next(ex) for row in ex: unit,duration,isced11,sex,age,time = row[0].split(",") if duration.strip() == "MN_GE150" and time.strip() == "2014"\ and sex.strip() == "T" and age.strip() == "TOTAL": #print(bmi, time) for i, field in enumerate(row): geo = ex_header[i].strip() if geo in eu: data[geo]["ex"] = \ "".join([c for c in field if c.isdigit() or c == "."]) # US life expectancy published from birth -- subtracted 1 so it's comparable # to EU 1YR expectancy. data["US"] = {"sk": 15.5, "obese": 37.7, "le": 77.7, "fv": 10, "ex": 51.7} df = pd.DataFrame(data).transpose() = "country" df.to_csv("euro-health.csv")