Homework 5 MARTA Analysis


In this assignment you’ll practice writing to and reading from databases in Python.

General Instructions

This is an individual assignment.

Collaboration at a reasonable level will not result in substantially similar code. Students may only collaborate with fellow students currently taking this course, the TA’s and the lecturer. Collaboration means talking through problems, assisting with debugging, explaining a concept, etc. You should not exchange code or write code for others.


Problem Description

MARTA is considering improvements to their service and they’ve hired you to analyze their data.

Solution Description

Download apcdata_week.csv, which contains bus route information for a full week. This data file is 92 MB and contains nearly a million rows of data. In the same directory as this data file write a Jupyter Notebook named <login-id>-marta-analysis, where is your Canvas login ID, e.g., `jdoe3`. Your notebook should have the following parts:

Part 0 - Header

Include a Markdown cell at the top of your notebook with your name, Canvas ID and GTID.

Part 1 - Basic Metrics

For each of the following, include a Markdown cell with the question, and a code cell which computes and displays the answer.

Part 2 - Visualization

Often single answers don’t give enough information. For example, perhaps the second-busiest stop is close to the busiest but all others are far behind.

For each of the following, include a Markdown cell with the question/description and a code cell that produces the visualization. Choose a graphic display that would clearly present the information.

Turn-in Procedure

Submit your <login-id>-marta-analysis.ipynb file to this homework assignment on Canvas. DO NOT submit the apcdata_week.csv data file! After you turn in your files, make sure to check that you have submitted the correct files that you intended to. Do not wait unti lthe last minute to submit your assignment!

Good luck!